| Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge (GX889 VER. EA) | 1999 | Konami | fbaitmc | | 8.00 |
| Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge (GX889 VER. JA) (clone of: fbaitmc) | 1999 | Konami | fbaitmcj | | 0.00 |
| Fisherman's Bait - Marlin Challenge (GX889 VER. UA) (clone of: fbaitmc) | 1999 | Konami | fbaitmcu | | 0.00 |
| Fisherman's Bait 2 - A Bass Challenge (GE865 VER. UAB) | 1998 | Konami | fbait2bc | | 0.00 |
| Fishin' Frenzy (prototype) | 1995 | Time Warner Interactive | fishfren | | 8.10 |
| Fishing (DECO Cassette) | 1982 | Data East Corporation | cfishing | | 0.00 |
| Fishing Maniac 3 | 2002 | Saero Entertainment | fmaniac3 | | 4.25 |
| Fist Of The North Star | 2005 | Sega / Arc System Works | fotns | | 7.25 |
 | Fit of Fighting | 1969 | bootleg | fitfight | Fighter / Versus | 2.62 |
 | Fitter (clone of: roundup) | 1981 | Taito Corporation | fitter | Maze | 0.00 |
 | Fitter (bootleg) (clone of: roundup) | 1981 | bootleg | fitterbl | | 0.00 |
| Five a Side Soccer (ver UAA) | 1995 | Konami | fiveside | | 0.00 |
| Five Alive (JPM) (MPS) | 1969 | JPM | j2fiveal | | 0.00 |
| Five Alive Club (JPM) (IMPACT) | 1969 | JPM | j6fivalv | | 0.00 |
| Five Clown (English, set 1) | 1993 | IGS | 5clown | | 0.00 |
| Five Clown (English, set 2) (clone of: 5clown) | 1993 | IGS | 5clowna | | 0.00 |
| Five Clown (Spanish hack) (clone of: 5clown) | 1993 | IGS | 5clownsp | | 0.00 |
| Five Liner (JPM) (IMPACT) | 1969 | JPM | j6fiveln | | 0.00 |
| Five Liner (JPM) (MPS) | 1969 | JPM | j2fiveln | | 0.00 |
| Five Star (Maygay) (M1A/B) | 1969 | Maygay | m1fivest | | 0.00 |