| Grand Striker | 1993 | Human | gstriker | Sports / Soccer | 4.70 |
 | Grand Striker (Americas) (clone of: gstriker) | 1993 | Human | gstrikera | | 0.00 |
 | Grand Striker 2 (Europe and Oceania) | 1996 | Human Amusement | gstrik2 | Sports / Soccer | 7.14 |
 | Grand Striker 2 (Japan) (clone of: gstrik2) | 1996 | Human Amusement | gstrik2j | | 0.00 |
 | Grand Tour | 1993 | IGS | grndtour | Puzzle / Drop *Mature* | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (BFM) (Scorpion 4) (set 1) | 1969 | BFM | sc4gslam | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (BFM) (Scorpion 4) (set 2) (clone of: sc4gslam) | 1969 | BFM | sc4gslama | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (BFM) (Scorpion 4) (set 3) (clone of: sc4gslam) | 1969 | BFM | sc4gslamb | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (BFM) (Scorpion 4) (set 4) (clone of: sc4gslam) | 1969 | BFM | sc4gslamc | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (BFM) (Scorpion 4) (set 5) (clone of: sc4gslam) | 1969 | BFM | sc4gslamd | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (BFM) (Scorpion 4) (set 6) (clone of: sc4gslam) | 1969 | BFM | sc4gslame | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (BFM) (Scorpion 4) (set 7) (clone of: sc4gslam) | 1969 | BFM | sc4gslamf | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (UK, set 1, Game Card 95-750-843) (Scorpion 2/3) | 1996 | BFM | sc2gslam | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (UK, set 1, Protocol) (Scorpion 2/3) (clone of: sc2gslam) | 1996 | BFM | sc2gslamp | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (UK, set 2) (Scorpion 2/3) (clone of: sc2gslam) | 1996 | BFM | sc2gslam1 | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (UK, set 2, Arcade, Protocol) (Scorpion 2/3) (clone of: sc2gslam) | 1996 | BFM | sc2gslam1p | | 0.00 |
| Grandslam Club (UK, set 3) (Scorpion 2/3) (clone of: sc2gslam) | 1996 | BFM | sc2gslam2 | | 0.00 |
| Grandstand Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (G2D 4.0) | 1969 | Barcrest | m4grands | | 0.00 |
| Grandstand Club (Barcrest) (MPU4) (GD 1.1) (clone of: m4grands) | 1969 | Barcrest | m4grandsa | | 0.00 |
| Granny and the Gators | 1984 | Bally | granny | | 0.00 |