| Road Fighter (set 1) | 1984 | Konami | roadf | Driving / Race | 7.60 |
 | Road Fighter (set 2) (clone of: roadf) | 1984 | Konami | roadf2 | Driving / Race | 0.00 |
 | Roc'n Rope | 1983 | Konami | rocnrope | Platform / Run Jump | 7.70 |
 | Rock'n Rage (prototype?) (clone of: rockrage) | 1986 | Konami | rockragea | | 0.00 |
 | Rock'n Rage (World) | 1986 | Konami | rockrage | Maze / Fighter | 7.00 |
 | Rollergames (Japan) (clone of: rollerg) | 1991 | Konami | rollergj | Sports | 0.00 |
 | Rollergames (US) | 1991 | Konami | rollerg | Sports | 5.75 |
| Roman Legions (Konami Endeavour) | 1969 | Konami | romanl | | 0.00 |
 | Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 10.4) (clone of: rungun) | 1993 | Konami | runguna | Sports / Basketball | 0.00 |
 | Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 10.8) | 1993 | Konami | rungun | Sports / Basketball | 6.34 |
 | Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 10.12) (clone of: rungun) | 1993 | Konami | rungunu | Sports / Basketball | 0.00 |
 | Run and Gun (ver UBA 1993 10.8) (clone of: rungun) | 1993 | Konami | rungunua | Sports / Basketball | 0.00 |
 | Run and Gun 2 (ver UAA) | 1996 | Konami | rungun2 | Sports / Basketball | 6.32 |
 | Rush'n Attack (US) (clone of: gberet) | 1985 | Konami | rushatck | Platform / Shooter Scrolling | 0.00 |
 | Rushing Heroes (ver UAB) | 1996 | Konami | rushhero | Sports / Football Amer. | 5.50 |
 | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (US ver. M) (clone of: spy) | 1989 | Konami | spyu | Fighter / 2.5D | 0.00 |
 | S.P.Y. - Special Project Y (World ver. N) | 1989 | Konami | spy | Fighter / 2.5D | 7.31 |
| Safe Money (Konami Endeavour) | 1969 | Konami | safemon | | 0.00 |
 | Salamander (version D) | 1986 | Konami | salamand | Shooter / Flying | 8.03 |
 | Salamander (version J) (clone of: salamand) | 1986 | Konami | salamandj | | 0.00 |