| Road Blasters (upright, rev 2) (clone of: roadblst) | 1987 | Atari Games | roadblst2 | | 0.00 |
 | Road Blasters (upright, rev 3) (clone of: roadblst) | 1987 | Atari Games | roadblst3 | | 0.00 |
 | Road Blasters (upright, rev 4) | 1987 | Atari Games | roadblst | Shooter / Driving (chase view) | 7.33 |
 | Rush'n Attack (PlayChoice-10) | 1987 | Konami (Nintendo of America license) | pc_rnatk | Platform / Shooter Scrolling | 6.00 |
 | Rygar (PlayChoice-10) | 1987 | Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) | pc_rygar | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 5.50 |
![Ryuuha [BET] (Japan 871027)](../snapsmall/MS_1901.html) | Ryuuha [BET] (Japan 871027) (clone of: iemoto) | 1987 | Central Denshi | ryuuha | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 0.00 |
 | Sauro | 1987 | Tecfri | sauro | Shooter / Flying Horizontal | 6.50 |
 | Sauro (Philko license) (clone of: sauro) | 1987 | Tecfri (Philko license) | saurop | | 0.00 |
| Scramble (Pinball) | 1987 | Tecnoplay | scram_tp | | 0.00 |
 | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (bootleg) (clone of: sdi) | 1987 | bootleg | sdibl | | 0.00 |
 | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, old, System 16A, FD1089B 317-0027) | 1987 | Sega | sdi | Shooter / Command | 7.00 |
 | SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0028) (clone of: sdi) | 1987 | Sega | sdib | Shooter / Command | 0.00 |
 | Seiha (Japan 870725) | 1987 | Nichibutsu | seiha | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 10.00 |
![Seiha [BET] (Japan 870723)](../snapsmall/MS_2866.html) | Seiha [BET] (Japan 870723) (clone of: seiha) | 1987 | Nichibutsu | seiham | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 0.00 |
 | Shadowland | 1987 | Namco | shadowld | Platform / Shooter Scrolling | 7.23 |
 | Shinobi (Beta bootleg) (clone of: shinobi) | 1987 | bootleg (Beta) | shinoblb | | 0.00 |
 | Shinobi (Datsu bootleg) (clone of: shinobi) | 1987 | bootleg (Datsu) | shinobld | | 0.00 |
 | Shinobi (Mega-Tech, SMS based) | 1987 | Sega | mt_shnbi | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 0.00 |
 | Shinobi (set 1, System 16A, FD1094 317-0050) (clone of: shinobi) | 1987 | Sega | shinobi1 | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 0.00 |
 | Shinobi (set 2, System 16B, FD1094 317-0049) (clone of: shinobi) | 1987 | Sega | shinobi2 | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 0.00 |