| Captain Commando (World 911014) (clone of: captcomm) | 1991 | Capcom | captcommr1 | | 0.00 |
 | Captain Commando (World 911202) | 1991 | Capcom | captcomm | Fighter / 2.5D | 7.94 |
| Captain Hook | 1985 | Game Plan | cpthook | | 0.00 |
| Captain Scarlet (Ace) (IMPACT) | 1969 | Ace | j6scarlt | | 0.00 |
 | Captain Silver (Japan) (clone of: csilver) | 1987 | Data East Corporation | csilverj | | 0.00 |
 | Captain Silver (World) | 1987 | Data East Corporation | csilver | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 5.33 |
 | Captain Sky Hawk (PlayChoice-10) | 1989 | Rare (Nintendo of America license) | pc_cshwk | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 3.60 |
 | Captain Tomaday | 1999 | Visco | ctomaday | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 7.70 |
 | Car 2 (bootleg of Head On 2) (clone of: headon2) | 1979 | bootleg (RZ Bologna) | car2 | | 0.00 |
 | Car Action (clone of: brubber) | 1982 | bootleg | caractn | Driving | 0.00 |
| Car Hop | 1991 | Gottlieb | carhop | | 0.00 |
 | Car Jamboree | 1983 | Omori Electric Co., Ltd. | carjmbre | Driving | 0.00 |
 | Car Polo | 1977 | Exidy | carpolo | Sports | 4.00 |
| Car Wash (Bwb) (MPU5) (set 1) | 1969 | Bwb | m5carwsh | | 0.00 |
| Car Wash (Bwb) (MPU5) (set 2) (clone of: m5carwsh) | 1969 | Bwb | m5carwsh10 | | 0.00 |
| Card Cash (Barcrest) (MPU4) (CCS 1.9) | 1969 | Barcrest | m4cardcs | | 0.00 |
| Card Line | 1969 | Veltmeijer | cardline | | 0.00 |
| Card Shark (Vivid) (MPU5) | 1969 | Vivid | m5card | | 0.00 |
| Card Shark Club (Vivid) (MPU5) (set 1) | 1969 | Vivid | m5cshkcb | | 0.00 |
| Card Shark Club (Vivid) (MPU5) (set 2) (clone of: m5cshkcb) | 1969 | Vivid | m5cshkcb12 | | 0.00 |