| 250 CC | 1992 | Inder | ind250cc | | 0.00 |
| A Question of Sport (set 1, 39-960-107) | 1992 | BFM | qos | | 0.00 |
| A Question of Sport (set 2, 39-960-099) (clone of: qos) | 1992 | BFM | qosa | | 0.00 |
| A Question of Sport (set 3, 39-960-089) (clone of: qos) | 1992 | BFM | qosb | | 0.00 |
| Aaron Spelling (1.01) | 1992 | Data East | aar_101 | | 0.00 |
 | Act Raiser (Nintendo Super System) | 1992 | Enix | nss_actr | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 8.16 |
 | Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611) | 1992 | Capcom | cworld2j | Quiz / Japanese | 7.60 |
 | Aero Fighters | 1992 | Video System Co. | aerofgt | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 9.22 |
 | Aero Fighters (bootleg set 1) (clone of: aerofgt) | 1992 | bootleg | aerfboot | | 0.00 |
 | Aero Fighters (bootleg set 2) (clone of: aerofgt) | 1992 | bootleg | aerfboo2 | | 0.00 |
 | Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 1) (clone of: aerofgt) | 1992 | Video System Co. | aerofgtb | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 0.00 |
 | Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2) (clone of: aerofgt) | 1992 | Video System Co. | aerofgtc | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 0.00 |
 | Air Combat (Japan) (clone of: aircomb) | 1992 | Namco | aircombj | Shooter / Flying 1st Person | 6.00 |
| Air Combat (US) | 1992 | Namco | aircomb | | 7.00 |
 | Air Rescue | 1992 | Sega | arescue | Unplayable | 8.40 |
| Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour | 1992 | Alvin G | wrldtour | | 0.00 |
| Al's Garage Band Goes On A World Tour R02b (clone of: wrldtour) | 1992 | Alvin G | wrldtour2 | | 0.00 |
 | Andro Dunos (NGM-049)(NGH-049) | 1992 | Visco | androdun | Shooter / Flying Horizontal | 8.34 |
 | Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0A 1992/07/06) (clone of: arabianm) | 1992 | Taito America Corporation | arabianmu | | 0.00 |
 | Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0J 1992/07/06) (clone of: arabianm) | 1992 | Taito Corporation | arabianmj | | 0.00 |