| Magic the Gathering: Armageddon (set 2) (clone of: magictg) | 1997 | Acclaim | magictga | | 0.00 |
| Magic Train (Clear NVRAM ROM?) (clone of: mtrain) | 1996 | Subsino | mtrainnv | | 0.00 |
| Magic Train (Ver. 1.31) | 1996 | Subsino | mtrain | | 5.00 |
| Magic Turbo (Barcrest) (MPU4) | 1969 | Barcrest | m4magtbo | | 0.00 |
 | Magic Worm (bootleg of Centipede) (clone of: centiped) | 1980 | bootleg | magworm | Shooter / Gallery | 0.00 |
| Magic's 10 (ver. 16.15) (clone of: magic10) | 1995 | A.W.P. Games | magic10b | | 0.00 |
| Magic's 10 (ver. 16.45) (clone of: magic10) | 1995 | A.W.P. Games | magic10a | | 0.00 |
| Magic's 10 (ver. 16.55) | 1995 | A.W.P. Games | magic10 | | 7.50 |
| Magic's 10 2 (ver 1.1) | 1997 | ABM Games | magic102 | | 6.00 |
 | Magical Cat Adventure | 1993 | Wintechno | mcatadv | Platform / Shooter Scrolling | 7.88 |
 | Magical Cat Adventure (Japan) (clone of: mcatadv) | 1993 | Wintechno | mcatadvj | Platform / Shooter Scrolling | 0.00 |
 | Magical Crystals (Japan, 92/01/13) (clone of: mgcrystl) | 1991 | Kaneko (Atlus license) | mgcrystlj | | 0.00 |
 | Magical Crystals (World, 91/12/10) (clone of: mgcrystl) | 1991 | Kaneko | mgcrystlo | | 0.00 |
 | Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10) | 1991 | Kaneko | mgcrystl | Maze / Shooter Large | 7.50 |
 | Magical Date / Magical Date - dokidoki kokuhaku daisakusen (Ver 2.02J) (clone of: mgcldtex) | 1996 | Taito | mgcldate | Mini-Games | 0.00 |
 | Magical Date EX / Magical Date - sotsugyou kokuhaku daisakusen (Ver 2.01J) | 1997 | Taito | mgcldtex | Mini-Games | 9.11 |
 | Magical Drop (Japan, Version 1.1, 1995.06.21) (clone of: chainrec) | 1995 | Data East | magdrop | Unplayable | 0.00 |
 | Magical Drop II | 1996 | Data East Corporation | magdrop2 | Puzzle / Toss | 9.05 |
 | Magical Drop III | 1997 | Data East Corporation | magdrop3 | Puzzle / Toss | 9.39 |
 | Magical Drop Plus 1 (Japan, Version 2.1, 1995.09.12) (clone of: chainrec) | 1995 | Data East | magdropp | Unplayable | 0.00 |