| Tranquillizer Gun | 1980 | Sega | tranqgun | Maze / Shooter Small | 2.67 |
 | UniWar S | 1980 | Irem | uniwars | Shooter / Gallery | 6.75 |
 | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU) (clone of: phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | vautour | Shooter / Gallery | 0.00 |
 | Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) (clone of: phoenix) | 1980 | bootleg | vautourz | | 0.00 |
 | Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) (clone of: hustler) | 1980 | bootleg | vpool | Sports / Pool | 0.00 |
| Viking | 1980 | Bally | viking | | 0.00 |
| Vortex | 1980 | Zilec Electronics | vortex | | 6.33 |
 | Waga Seishun no Arcadia (clone of: nyny) | 1980 | Sigma Enterprises Inc. | warcadia | | 0.00 |
 | Warlords | 1980 | Atari | warlords | Breakout | 7.30 |
 | Western Gun Part II (clone of: sheriff) | 1980 | Nintendo (Taito Corporation license) | westgun2 | | 0.00 |
 | Wizard of Wor (sample of: wow) | 1980 | Midway | wow | Maze / Shooter Small | 7.39 |
 | Wizard of Wor (with German Language ROM) (clone of: wow) (sample of: wow) | 1980 | Midway | wowg | | 0.00 |
| Xenon | 1980 | Bally | xenon | | 0.00 |
| Xenon (French) (clone of: xenon) | 1980 | Bally | xenonf | | 0.00 |
 | Zero (set 1, Defender bootleg) (clone of: defender) | 1980 | bootleg (Jeutel) | zero | Shooter / Flying | 0.00 |
 | Zero (set 2, Defender bootleg) (clone of: defender) | 1980 | bootleg (Amtec) | zero2 | | 0.00 |
 | Zero Hour (set 1) | 1980 | Universal | zerohour | Shooter / Gallery | 6.22 |
 | Zero Hour (set 2) (clone of: zerohour) | 1980 | Universal | zerohoura | | 0.00 |