| Ninja Combat (NGH-009) (clone of: ncombat) | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | ncombath | | 0.00 |
 | Ninja Combat (NGM-009) | 1990 | Alpha Denshi Co. | ncombat | Fighter / 2.5D | 7.36 |
 | Ninja Gaiden Episode II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (PlayChoice-10) | 1990 | Tecmo (Nintendo of America license) | pc_ngai2 | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 10.00 |
 | Nintendo World Cup (PlayChoice-10) | 1990 | Technos Japan (Nintendo license) | pc_wcup | Sports / Soccer | 7.75 |
| Nudge-It | 1990 | Gottlieb | nudgeit | | 0.00 |
 | Out Zone (set 1) | 1990 | Toaplan | outzone | Shooter / Walking | 7.30 |
 | Out Zone (set 2) (clone of: outzone) | 1990 | Toaplan | outzonea | Shooter / Walking | 0.00 |
 | Out Zone (set 3, prototype?) (clone of: outzone) | 1990 | Toaplan | outzoneb | | 0.00 |
 | Out Zone (set 4) (clone of: outzone) | 1990 | Toaplan | outzonec | | 0.00 |
 | Out Zone (set 5) (clone of: outzone) | 1990 | Toaplan | outzoned | | 0.00 |
 | Over Drive | 1990 | Konami | overdriv | Driving / Race 1st Person | 4.00 |
 | Palamedes (Japan) | 1990 | Taito Corporation | palamed | Puzzle / Toss | 4.50 |
| Paranoia | 1990 | Naxat Soft | paranoia | | 0.00 |
 | Parodius DA! (Asia) (clone of: parodius) | 1990 | Konami | parodiusa | | 0.00 |
 | Parodius DA! (Japan) (clone of: parodius) | 1990 | Konami | parodiusj | | 0.00 |
 | Parodius DA! (World, set 1) | 1990 | Konami | parodius | Shooter / Flying Horizontal | 8.53 |
 | Parodius DA! (World, set 2) (clone of: parodius) | 1990 | Konami | parodiuse | | 0.00 |
 | Phantasm (Japan) (clone of: avspirit) | 1990 | Jaleco | phantasm | Platform / Fighter Scrolling | 0.00 |
| Piccolo Poker 100 (clone of: ampoker2) | 1990 | Admiral/Novomatic | piccolop | | 0.00 |
 | Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (set 1) | 1990 | Leland Corp. | pigout | Platform / Run Jump | 5.00 |