| Super Football Champ (Ver 2.5O) | 1995 | Taito | sfchamp | Sports / Soccer | 8.33 |
| Super Major League (U 960108 V1.000) | 1995 | Sega | smleague | Sports / Baseball | 8.33 |
| Super Real Mahjong P6 (Japan) | 1995 | Seta | srmp6 | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 5.33 |
 | Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3 - eikou e no michi | 1995 | SNK | ssideki3 | Sports / Soccer | 9.03 |
 | Super Slams | 1995 | Banpresto / Toei Animation | suprslam | Sports / Basketball | 7.88 |
 | Super World Stadium '95 (Japan) | 1995 | Namco | sws95 | Sports / Baseball | 8.20 |
 | Susume! Mile Smile (Japan) (clone of: gogomile) | 1995 | Fuuki | gogomilej | | 0.00 |
| Sweet Hearts II (01J01986, Venezuela) | 1995 | Aristocrat | swthrt2v | | 0.00 |
 | Syougi No Tatsujin - Master of Syougi | 1995 | ADK / SNK | mosyougi | Tabletop / Shougi | 8.54 |
 | Taisen Idol-Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Japan) | 1995 | Video System Co. | fromanc2 | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 7.33 |
 | Taisen Mahjong FinalRomance R (Japan) | 1995 | Video System Co. | fromancr | Tabletop / Mahjong *Mature* | 5.25 |
| Taito FX1 | 1995 | Taito | taitofx1 | BIOS | 7.11 |
 | Taiwan Chess Legend | 1995 | Uniwang | tcl | Unplayable | 7.00 |
 | Target Ball (clone of: tgtball) | 1995 | Yun Sung | tgtballa | Sports / Pool | 0.00 |
 | Target Ball (Nude) | 1995 | Yun Sung | tgtball | Sports / Pool *Mature* | 8.00 |
 | Tekken 2 (Asia, TES2/VER.A) (clone of: tekken2) | 1995 | Namco | tekken2aa | | 0.00 |
 | Tekken 2 Ver.B (Asia, TES2/VER.B) (clone of: tekken2) | 1995 | Namco | tekken2ab | | 0.00 |
 | Tekken 2 Ver.B (US, TES3/VER.B) (clone of: tekken2) | 1995 | Namco | tekken2ub | | 0.00 |
 | Tetris Plus | 1995 | Jaleco / BPS | tetrisp | Puzzle / Drop | 8.67 |
 | The Game Paradise - Master of Shooting! / Game Tengoku - The Game Paradise | 1995 | Jaleco | gametngk | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 8.54 |